NBA 2K21 (2KSC) IFF Randomizer (Updated) by c_rich368 | 06.06.21

NBA 2K21 (2KSC) IFF Randomizer (Updated) by c_rich368 | 06.06.21


1. Install

2. Update PATH.txt to your 2K21 PATH

3. Add folders into the subject folder (they can be named whatever)

4. Add the IFFs files you want to be randomized into those folders

5. Run the application

6. The application will automatically make a list of IFFs you have put into the folders, choose one

7. The IFF file will be randomized in your Mods folder


Every IFF file you put in each folder will be thrown into your mods folder when you use the application, so if I have:



Both of those things will go to my mods folder when the folder is randomly selected.

You can add as many folders as you want / doesn't matter.Yes, everything works: balls, globals, cyberface (any IFF file) \

author: c_rich368
