NBA 2K21 Remastered - First Look - Out NOW! - ALL NEW EXPERIENCE

NBA 2K21 Remastered - First Look - Out Now! 

authors: Mahmood, TheMochna, Gojosensei
TheMochna and Mahmood will be bringing you an extensively modified menu with fresh UI elements and brand-new lighting for all 30 teams utilizing special technology for a revitalized image of the game.

 Cinematic 2k-like lighting as well as an RTGI (Ray-Tracing) reshade for optional use along with it.

As for presentation and pretty much everything else, changed everything to sort of serve as a direct upgrade that 2K might do.
This project should feel like a direct upgrade from vanilla 2K21, not a sidegrade. 


all-new menu complete with rebranded categories, refreshed text, a heavily modified social media element, as well as 30 realgen stadiums via Sportshub and Gojosensei coupled with real RTGI lighting / reshade from TheMochna,

 first actual in-game screenshot taken with  Neutral Ray-Tracing Reshade enabled

Preview of  custom Edit Player Background! Please note this is subject to change before release as this is a relatively new discovery. 

authors: Mahmood, TheMochna, Gojosensei
