NBA 2K22 Michael Jordan Complete Theme Interface by renkeren
NBA 2K22 Michael Jordan Complete Theme Interface by renkeren
in-game screenshot
in-game screenshot
in-game screenshot
in-game screenshot
in-game screenshot
in-game screenshot
How to use:
Drag the file into gooeyglobal.iff and replace the original file.
Drag the and files into gooeyfrontend.iff and replace the original files.
Put other files into the Mods directory and set the player indicator to flame orange in the controller settings.
Change the shortcut icon to Michael Jordan.ico.
A simple explanation for not importing iff files:
first go to the Mods folder to see if there are gooeyglobal.iff and gooeyfrontend.iff, if not, use the large NBA2K_HOOK tool to export (refer to the tool description for specific methods), and then open this with 7zip software Two iff files, then drag the corresponding dds files to save, and finally put the modified two iff files back to Mods.
author: renkeren