NBA 2K22 Jayson Tatum Cyberface Update and Body Model With Updated & Realistic Tattoo by doctahtobogganMD

NBA 2K22 Jayson Tatum Cyberface Update and Body Model With Updated & Realistic Tattoo by doctahtobogganMD 

Platform: 2K22
Release Date: 03.04.22
Mod Description: This mod adds Jayson Tatum Cyberface Update and Body Model With Updated & Realistic Tattoo for NBA 2K22
Category: Cyberface
Version: 1.0
Author:  doctahtobogganMD

Doctah Note;
"  Jayson Tatum (happy bday):
- My previous version had some weird eye issues and strange skin so i redid all of that and improved it (at least i think so)
- Also added a full back tat for blacktop+ users or anyone who wants to use him shirtless "

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