NBA 2K24 Hook (Mods Folder) - Enable Mods


This modification Hook (Mods Folder) - Enable Mods  will add an update to your NBA 2K24

Version: 1.0

Category:  Cyberfaces

Author: Looyh

Purpose of Hook Tool for NBA 2K24
This tool was created to enable mods like cyberfaces, courts, jerseys, etc. Made by one of the most popular tool makers for the modding community, looyh.

The functions of Hook are implemented by injecting game programs, so some anti-virus software may falsely report that it is a virus. Hereby explain.

Run the game and follow the prompts in the upper left corner [Press F8 to display the GUI] (some laptops require fn+f8)

New Features:
 - Customized Mod resource folders no longer need to start with "Mod", and support nested subdirectories as Mod resource folders. (For example Foo/Bar, representing a folder Foowithin a folder Baras a Mod resource folder)

- The underlying Mod file loading code has been refactored, and wav file loading is more fully supported. Now you can modify s850.iff, and the various sound effect wav files in the competition, as well as the music files you convert yourself, will no longer automatically switch to songs in the second half.
