NBA 2K24 Realistic Roster (Shoes, Accessories, Signature Shots) - 3.28.24


This modification Realistic Roster (Shoes, Accessories, Signature Shots) will add an update to your NBA 2K24

Version: 2.21

Category: Roster

Author: Akakmmmm

Modified 90% Player's Signature Shoes
Short Length Of Players Adjusted
Accurate Accessories for 30 Teams
Colorway Shoes


The latest lineup, some players’ shooting movements and tendencies have been modified. Matching the city floor, the file can be downloaded from the forum. After downloading, change the suffix of the city floor to f021_alt.iff, that is, add _alt after all files.

Add some pictures. Coach ratings have also been updated. setting improves the alley-oop probability and computer defensive rebounding ability value.

Currently completed:
30 team players’ shorts length modification;
30 team 90% player movement modifications;
30 team protective gear color modification (matching the Greater Wan Chai jersey);
Warriors players protective gear sneakers match;
