NBA 2K25 CAP (Create A Player) Facial Texture and Tattoo Overhaul
For the tattoos, Sinsoredit has just hundreds of ideas they want to add but have not had the time to really pull all of these in. Sinsoredit will continue to update the files and post them as they work through them. They would be willing to post a few instructional videos on how to do it as it really is not hard—you just have to stay organized.
For the face textures, this has come along fairly well and really made a difference in Sinsoredit’s game. This mod is meant to be used with Psam's initial release. Sinsoredit has included the files they have changed or added only. So, if you see something in the video you don't have, it's because it came from Psam's mod. Also, QBD hair mod should be loaded by everyone. Sinsoredit did include a few underpaint options for the hair files, so that will change a few for folks.
Again, this is far from being complete, but Sinsoredit figured they would get it out so folks can play around with it.
Version: 1.0
Author: Sinsoredit
NBA 2K25 CAP Facial Texture beta Instruction
NBA 2K25 CAP Tattoo Project beta instruction
omg this would be make the game even better THANK YOU SO MUCH MODDERS
how do you get the jersey movement?
Great mod we need modders like these to step up